Saturday, September 20, 2008

Making an oleum base

I tried my hand at making some oleum for the up coming Second Rite of Leviathan. I thought it best to first make the base and then later make the specific oleum for Leviathan. I figure I won't make a lot of the oleum of Leviathan which will leave me enough base to make different oleums later.

I went with Base #1 from The Complete Book of Demonolatry since I could easily gather all the materials that I would need.

First I gathered my tools; a double boiler, since I would be heating up oil on the stove top; two 2 cup measuring jugs; a fine mess strainer; a mortar and pestle and a suribachi; some 2 dram bottles and some mason jars.


Next I gathered all the herbs I needed.


Since I was using some root I thought that it would be best to grind it up in the suribachi. It was tough work and I didn't powderize all of it, but I thought it was enough.


For the rest of the ingredience I just mashed them in the mortar. I don't think it was really necessary since they were pretty ground up to begin with.


I added them all together in a cup and mixed them up before adding them to the double boiler.


I then added a half cup of Grapeseed Oil. I went with Grapeseed since I've read it is a better oil to use, but I'm sure olive oil will work fine.


This is what it looked like when I got the herbs and the oil mixed:


I boiled it for about 15 minutes before straining the oil into a clean cup:


I didn't get a lot of oil from this so I put the strained herbs back into the double boiler and added more oil, and boiled the mixture again. I did this about 3 times in total. I have about 1 cup of once strained oleum base when I was done.

I wanted to strain it some more since there was some sediment sitting at the bottom of the cup.


I strained it a few more times, cleaning the strainer each time and then finished by straining it through cheesecloth.


When I was done, I was pretty happy with the end product. It doesn't smell oily at all but more like the herbs that I used to make it. This picture makes it look greenish but it has a more reddish tint to it.


I'll make the herb mixture for the oleums that I want and add the base to it, then boil it. I'll let you know how that goes!


markze said...

what is wrong with you idiots?!!!

Antsy Girl said...

Beautiful Blog you have....Keep it Up.. said...

Why are you calling this oleum? Oleum is sulfur trioxide dissolved in sulfuric acid.

Unknown said...

That's awesome