Saturday, August 30, 2008

Book Review: Ater Votum

I've seen the book before online as a pdf and liked what was in it enough to buy a physical copy (there is something to be said to having something in your hands instead of on the screen). It says right on the cover that it is 'a daemonolatry pray book' but I found out that is was a little bit more

Positive: Twenty three prayers, one page of blessings, eighty four proverbs and the Al-Jilwah with commentary - all packed in within the covers of this book. It is a tiny little thing, the Ater Votum, but it took me some time to read it. Nearly everything gave me pause as I stopped to think about it.

I was really impressed with the Proverbs, which are supposed to be have found carved on Egyptian temples. These gave more the most pause as their meanings slowly soaked in.

This was my first time reading the Al-Jilwah, but it is far from my first time hearing about it. I'll save getting into for a later post, but I do have to say that is did provoke a thought or two. The commentary from S. Connolly gave greater dept to the text in my opinion.

Neutral: A few of the prayers didn't ring for me, but I doubt all the prayers will ring for all the people

Negative: I'm really pushed to find anything negative about this book. I guess at a stretch I could say that it was too short!

Overall, I've found a book that I'm going to find myself going back to, not for information, but more for inspiration. I like that in a book!

I rate it: 8.5/10

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Book Review: Demonolatry Rites

This is a short little book that arrived today in the mail from Demonolatry Rites is, as you can guess, a book that contains rites, or rituals, from demonolatry. It is collected and edited from the lovely S. Connolly who you might recognize as the author of The Complete Book of Demonolatry. On to the review:

Positive: For such a short book it packs a punch and doesn't waste time getting to it. A two page introduction is all that is that is standing between the reader and twenty rites. I think that is worth repeating: twenty rites!

This book reveals a lot of information from many Demonolators private collections, everything from rites to the elemental Demons, creating talismans, curses, ridding yourself of previously held religious dogma to rituals to help you find love, protect your car and find lost items.

My favorite is called 'Pillars of the Sisters' and is a seven day rite to seven Demonesses. It is beautifully imaged and beautifully written.

Oh, and the book includes two Appendices that has some of the information held in other books that is great to have on hand in this one.

Neutral: There is a rite called 'To Learn Magick' that was just a tease. All the information to perform the rite is there but it was very short.

Negative: Nothing really except for my own petty want for more!

Overall, Demonolatry Rites is a great book that holds greater knowledge. I'm rating it in context: it is a book of demonolatry rites only, not something to for someone who knows nothing about demonolatry at all.

I rate it 9.0

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Demonolatry 101

From the Greek words ‘daimon’, meaning ‘tutelary deity or lesser god’, and ‘latreia’, meaning ‘service or worship’ comes the modern word of Demonolatry, meaning worship of demons. Followers of Demonolatry are known as, if male, Demonolators, and, if female, Demonolatresses.

While their maybe a minority of Demonolators who worship demons under the transposed meaning of demons as evil entities and creatures of hell, most Demonolaters reject that meaning. This article will be focused on those Modern Demonolators, the majority, who worship demons as the ancient Greek word, and later Latinized version, meant: ‘lesser god, guiding spirit, tutelary deity’ that are ‘replete with knowledge’.

Modern Demonolatry is a polytheistic religion that worships many demons as part of a pantheon, along with associated mythology and rituals. It is not a universally codified religion where all Demonolators worship the same pantheon and follow the same beliefs, but rather a personal religion where each person or group chooses what pantheon to believe in as well as beliefs to follow. As such, there are those whose beliefs can be called soft polytheistic by believing that the demons are facets that are part of the whole; as well as those who can be called hard polytheists that believe that the demons are complete and separate entities.


The Demons worshipped by Demonolators are many times are the actual gods of the pre-Christian civilizations. They are viewed as complex entities of greater or lesser status within the pantheons. They each have their own individual skills, specialization’s and spheres of control, along with their own needs, desires and histories. Since they are ‘guiding spirits’ that are ‘replete with knowledge’, Demonolators view the demons as teachers and mentors and form relationships with individual demons as such.

There is a natural balance in Demonolatry for demons are binary opposite in nature. For every demon of destruction and fire, there is a demon of creation and water; but not all demons can be classified as extremes for there are demons that fall between, in the gray areas between black and white.


Of the many ‘codified’ pantheons followed by Demonolators, two of them are more widespread than others. The Richard Dukante Hierarchy, and the Goetic Hierarchy.

In 1963 Richard Dukanke released his Hierarchy, which consists of nine families of demons. He compiled it from the grimoires of Demonolator families and it is one of the few hierarchies in existence that included female demons. Dukante was still working on his hierarchy until his death so it still remains uncompleted.

The Goetic Hierarchy comes from the ‘Ars Goetia’ also known as ‘The Goetia’, the first section of ‘The Lesser Keys of Solomon, a 17th century text that is claimed to have been written by King Solomon. The Goetia names seventy-two demons and assigns them ranks and titles of nobility.

Many Demonolators follow a pantheon of their choosing that contain demons from a variety of sources, but regardless of what pantheon followed, most Demonolators also choose a Patron or Matron Demon which they worship above all others.


Since Demonolatry is not a universally codified religion, there is no ‘set’ practices that Demonolators adhere to. However, they’re two types of practices that exist: religious and magical.

Religious Demonolatry primarily deals with the adherence and observation of certain religious holidays spread across the calendar year. These are celebrations of certain aspects of life, such birth and death. Prayers for self-empowerment are also practiced religiously.

Magical Demonolatry is not something that is practiced by all Demonolators, however all Demonolators practice religious demonolatry. Those who do practice magic do so in a manner that is believed is more respectful to the demons and as such demons are never evoked, or called forth against their will, but rather invoked, or invited to be present during a magical ritual.

Demonolatry Families

They are some Demonolators who claim to follow generational demonolatry, which they first learned about from a parent or older family member and that many more in their family are also following. These demonolatry families claim to reach upwards of five hundred years into the past, with traditions being past on through many generations and though many personal journals or grimoires.

Holidays Observed

The holidays and rites observed by Demonolators vary from one Demonolator to another as the following of hierarchies vary from one Demonolator to another. However they are many Demonolators who observe the spring and fall equinoxes, and the summer and winter solstices by celebrating a rite to whatever demon they find appropriate. A celebration of a Demonolators Matron or Patron demon is also practiced.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Ouija Board

My wife and I have used the Ouija board in the past and have always had 'fun' experiences with it. We don't put to much thought into and definitely don't obsess about it. Personally, I don't know how it works. I'm open to the idea that the board actually is a medium through which you can talk to the other side. I also don't rule out the idea that the planchette is moved by subconscious thoughts. Within a ritual space I believe that it is its most useful, but that is a post for later.

What really gets me though are the people who believe that the Ouija is dangerous, that there is a slew of demons just waiting for someone to pop open a Parker Brothers board so they can jump all over them and cause evil things to occur. These people acknowledge that these so called demons have some type of higher power to be able to possess them or haunt them. This, to me, is a very pretentious view point. Why would a higher being even notice you if you were not actively seeking them? And how do they benefit from this possession or haunting?

I think all the problems people claim to have experienced with the Ouija comes down to this: they are mentally deranged. Maybe this is caused by a deep guilt imparted on them by their religion or maybe it is a desire to be a victim. Whatever it is, I find it pathetically amusing! It is a self-fulfilling prophecy: If you think bad things will happen to you if you use the Ouija, they will; and not by anything supernatural.

The Ouija is a like a telephone: most of the time when you use it you are just dialling random numbers. The person on the end is as likely to cause you harm as if you did it in real life. If you use the Ouija in a ritual space or meditation, you are just calling someone specific.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beginning Blogging: Advice

I've learned a few things about blogging, stuff I wished I knew before I began. I thought I'd write some of it down and share it with you.

1. Find a home for your blog

There are many different blog hosts out there, each with their own special features that other hosts don't have. No host is better than any other so it ultimately comes down to preference on which one you choose to use. Here are the three well known blog hosts: Blogger/Blogspot, LiveJournal, Wordpress.

2. Decide what your blog is about

While it might be easier said than done, the best thing to blog about is something that you are interested in and want to blog about; BUT it should also be something that you won't burn out blogging about. If the subject is too narrow and specific, chanced are you won't have a whole lot to say after a few months worth of posts. You'll have said it all. On the flip side, your blog shouldn't be so broadly categorized that it can only be summed up as a blog about everything. Choose a definable subject. If you fancy blogging about more than one subject, then don’t be scared to create more than one blog. It is ok to have more than one interest that you want to post about. It is just easier to partition them into different blogs.

3. Post something

Now that you have your blog and know what it is about, it is time to get down to busy and start posting. Hopefully you will have picked a subject that you know well enough and your mind is full of ideas of what to talk about. Great! Start posting.

If you find yourself drawing a blank, don’t worry you can overcome it. If you don’t know what to post for your very first post then why not just post a little about yourself. Who are you? Why are you blogging? What do you hope to achieve with your blog? Just let it all come out.

Ok, what if you’ve already been posting for a while and are now drawing a blank? Again, don’t worry. Read back over your old posts for some ideas. Maybe you could expand on something you’ve said earlier. See what other people are saying about the subject that you want to write about, maybe you can say something different or expand on it more. Do a news search about your subject. An idea will come.

4. Update Often

If you ever hope that people will become regular readers of your blog then you will have to become a regular poster to the very blog you hope they will read. You need to update often. A good target to shoot for it at least one post everyday. Not only do this create more content on your blog, it also helps to keep your blog relevant, attract more readers, and makes your blog feature higher on searches.

If you find that you are brimming with ideas for more and more posts and can’t wait to write them, the go ahead and write them. You don’t have to post them today, you can save them for a later day when you might not have any time to post or find yourself experiencing a writers block. You mother might have told you that it was good to save you money, well I’m tell you that it is good to save your posts too.

5. Find some friends

I’ll bet dollars to donuts that you are not the only person blogging about a specific subject (unless that subject is you). By finding others that are blogging about the same thing you are, linking to them and asking for the favor returned, you are creating and also become part of a larger blogging web. It makes it easier for readers of one blog to find another blog and maybe become a reader of that one too. By being part of a community of like-minded bloggers, you can gain ideas from each other, share readers and maybe even build deeper and more meaningful content.

6. Find some readers

This is what it is all about. I don’t know any blogger who writes just for themselves, it is all for the reader. If you have followed the above steps and created some content worth reading, then the reader will start finding you. Of course you can make it a lot easier for them!
Search for blog listings and submit your blog to them. Technorati is a great resource. Look on other blogs and see if they have any tags for blog listings you didn’t know about. Follow the link and submit there too.

Learn about ‘Search Engine Optimization’.

Comment on other blogs, especially if you can link back to something relevant on your blog. Word of warning though: When commenting on other blogs, remember that quality is better than quantity. Don’t over do it and become a ‘one line’ spammer.

7. Ping, Tag and Label

Since you are now on a few blog lists, you will need to remember to ping them to make them aware that you have new content. While most blog lists do track new content automatically, with such a large quantity of blogs to track, it will be awhile before they get to you.

Learn about Technorati’s tags. It makes it easier for people to find you when they are searching for the subject that you are posting about.

Label your posts. This helps organize you blog so that your readers can search through what you’ve written before. If you’ve been adding one post everyday, you’ll have 365 after one year. Help your reader out and make it easy for them to navigate though your content.

8. Write your pillars

Pillars are the articles that you write that hold up your blog. They are the big, juicy and informative posts that have impact. Pillars are timeless beauties that are tutorials or educational posts that are of use to your reader. Typically they are of a length greater than 700 words, if not longer.

The purpose of ‘pillars’ is to draw in more readers with some of your best work. When I say they are ‘timeless beauties’, I mean that they will be just as relevant a few years from now as they are today.

They also give you something more to advertise. Instead of just pimping your blog, you can also start pimping your pillars in places where they would be more appropriate.

9. Sticky your popular posts

Now that you’ve gotten a few pillars wrote, it is would be a good idea to ‘sticky’ them on your sidebar. While you are at it, why don’t you sticky your most favorite and your most popular posts are well. Don’t know what blogs are most popular? They are probably the ones with the most comments, or if you are tracking your blogs stats, then they are the ones that are the most viewed. This is all about creating an easy to navigate blog and making sure that your best work doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

10. Track your stats

By tracking your stats, you can learn a lot of information about your reader that can help you out. You can see where they are coming from, what they are looking at and how long they are staying. Many stat trackers will allow you to see what word searches people are finding you with.
Doing a search on ‘blog stats’ will find you a few free stat trackers. Most will tell you how to load their tracker on your blog and how to make everything work.

There you have it, start blogging, have fun!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jason King on youtube

It has just be recently that I discovered actual 'channels' on youtube, and not long after that I found Jason King. This guy really knows his stuff and has uploaded a lot of videos talking about Satanism in some form or another. Ninety six as I'm writing this. He calls himself a 'postmodern satanist', and right on his channels front page is; 'Yes, I accept the existence of Satan' so, to me, he is a theistic Satanist. I think he accepts that label on one of his videos.

I've not got through and seen all of his videos but I have seen about ten of them. They have all struck me as well thought out and intelligent. You can tell, and I don't think it is much of a secret, that he is reading off a screen as he is making the video. With the black light in the background, sometimes in the foreground, and the fact that he is just a floating talking head, the videos aren't the best videos on youtube. However, they are so packed with information that really is thought provoking that if the production of his videos bother you, then you really need to overcome it.

Enough preamble, here is the link:

Friday, August 22, 2008

Just an update

I have had a busy few days that kept me from posting yesterday. Today isn't shaping up to be any less hectic.

Yesterday I went and donated some plasma then turned around and spent the $20 I got on 'Demonolatry Rites' and 'Ater Votum' from lulu. Hopefully I will get them next week. When I do I'll make sure to get them reviewed.

I've been working on a pronunciation guide for some Demonic Enns that can be found at, I need to get permission first to post them in the Hierarchy Order which I'm working on getting.

I'll leave you with this: Adrianna from OFS youtube channel

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

All about me

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I usually post on this blog while at work. On Wednesdays I don't work alone and to be frank, I burned myself out writing the previous two posts. Today I thought I'd take it easy and fill out one of these 'get to know me better' things you can find everywhere on myspace. Plus, it gives you a chance to get to know me (like you care!)

Name: Jeremy

Age: 26

Birthplace: Cork, Ireland

Birthday: December 31st

Current Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

School: St. Oliver's Primary School, St. Brendan's Collage, Tralee Tuition Center

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Right or Left Handed: Right handed

Shoe Size: 12 UK, 13 American

Skin Type: Fail

Single? Nope, married the last 5 years

Pepsi or Coke: Neither, I don't drink soda.

McDonald's or Burger King?: Arby's

How many pairs of shoes do you own? 5... I think.

Do you smoke? Nope, unless I was set on fire.

Have you ever stolen from a friend? Nope

Do you do drugs? I do ibuprofen

Do you drink? Yes, water.

Do you shower daily? Yeah, what type of questions are these?

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

Do you want to get married? I already am

Do you want to have kids? More? No, three is enough

Future Job: I like my current job and will probably stay for a long time

Favorite Sport: Combat sports, mainly medieval combat

Do you get sea sick? Sometimes

Do you believe in yourself? Absolutely

Do you think your attractive? I'm not that bad

Do you like thunderstorms? Sure, unless my power goes out when I don't want it to.

Do you sing? To myself and very badly

Do you play an instrument? Does guitar hero count?

Are you a health freak? Not really, but I do like keeping in shape

Are you scared of the dark? No

Do you get along with your parents? Most of the time

Siblings? I got a sister

Pets? 2 dogs

Number of Tattoos: 1

Number of piercings: 4

Number of Cd's I own: CD?! I have over 5k songs downloaded

Style: Casual

Fruit or Vegetable: I like them both

Short or Long Hair: I have short hair now, I used to have long hair and I probably would grow it back if I could

Best Friend: Corny as it may sound, but my wife Andi is my best friend

Coolest Friend: Scott is probably the coolest

Prettiest Friend: Andi!

Weirdest Friend: I don't know anyone weirder than myself, but Pink comes closest

What would you like to get pierced? My tongue, but I can't due to work regulations

Have you ever stolen from a store? I don't think so

Have you ever been kicked out of a store? No, and strangely I wouldn't be proud of it either.

Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend? I'm straight and never have had a boyfriend, but I've never cheated

Have you ever turned down a dare? Yeah and I'm sure everyone has. "I dare you to kill yourself"...

Have you ever kissed a boy on the lips? Yeah

Own a stuffed animal? I bought stuffed animals, but I don't think I own any

What grade are you in? Ok, that is telling of who this questionnaire is designed for

Number of past things your regret: I try not to regret anything. Everything I have done has made me the person that I am today. I like who I am today.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Demonolatry Vs. Demonology

Demonolatry and Demonology are often misunderstood and mistakenly confused by those who don’t know the difference. Hopefully, this article can correct that. While one deals with the study of demons, the other deals with their worship. Before we delve into the meanings and differences of the two words, lets take a deeper look at their root – Demon.


In many religions, popular folklore and mythology, demons are seen as supernatural entities that are often thought of as evil and malevolent. In the Abrahamic faiths, demons are fallen angels of their god that reside in hell.

From the Ancient Greek word of ‘daimon’, which meant ‘lesser god, guiding spirit, tutelary deity’, came the Latanized spelling ‘daemon’ (plural – daemones) which were seen as ‘supernatural beings between mortals and gods’ that could be both lesser deities and ‘ghosts of fallen heroes’. These daemones (‘replete with knowledge’, ‘divine power’, ‘fate’, or ‘god’) were not necessarily evil but rather intermediates between the ‘divine and mortal’.

The Christian’s ‘New Testament’, being originally written in Greek, caused the usage of the word ‘daimon’ to be applied to the Judeo-Christian idea of evil spirits and their gods enemies that were cast out of heaven and into the abyss. By the 4th century, with the establishment of Christianity, the transposition of the word, from the ancient Greek meaning to the modern meaning we know to today, was complete.


Demonology is the study and classification of demons and/or the belief about demons. It is a branch of theology that deals with the ‘supernatural entities that are not gods’. It does not just deal with the malevolent entities that the word demon has come to mean but rather both malevolent and benevolent entities.

Often times referred to with negatively, demonology was not always seen as evil or sinful as the modern terms connotation would have one believe. Greek philosophers, ancient Babylonians, Zoroastrian mystic and many early Christian writers wrote about the subject.

Demonologists have made many attempts to classify demons into certain categories based on the nature of the demon, the sin with which it is believed they tempt morals, the month which their powers maybe strongest, the office or ranking which they hold, and many other characteristics.

In 1589, Peter Binsfeld classified the demons according to the one of the ‘seven deadly sins’ which he believed they corresponded to:

Lucifer: pride
Mammon: greed
Asmodeus: lust
Leviathan: envy
Beelzebub: gluttony
Satan/Amon: wrath
Belphegor: sloth

During the 16th century is was believed by Demonologist that each demon has more strength to accomplish certain tasks during the month that they corresponded to:

Belial in January
Leviathan in February
Satan in March
Belphegor in April
Lucifer in May
Berith in June
Beelzebub in July
Astaroth in August
Thammuz in September
Baal in October
Asmodai in November
Moloch in December


Demonolatry (pronounced by the author as demon-All-O-tree) is the worship of demons and is seen as a religion by those who follow it. Demonolators do not accept the modern transposition of the word ‘demon’ to mean evil and malignant spirits but rather the older Greek and Latin meaning of ‘replete with wisdom’ and ‘tutelary deity’.

Modern Demonolatry is a polytheistic religion that worships demons as part of a pantheon. As a polytheistic religion, there are those whose beliefs can be called soft polytheistic by believing that the demons are facets that are part of the whole; there is also those who can be called hard polytheists that believe that the demons are complete and separate entities.

What demons make up the pantheon is completely up to the individual Demonolator or Demonolatry group, but there are many common ones in usage. Those demons found the Lesser Key of Solomon are often times followed as well as those laid out in the hierarchy of Richard Dukante. Many Demonolaters dedicate themselves to the worship of one demon over all others while still worshipping those others but just not to the same extent as their primary demon.

Rites, those both religious and meditative, are practiced as part of the worship of demons which also includes days that are holy to certain demons. Magic is also an important aspect within Demonolatry, however every Demonolator does not practice it. Those who do practice it do so in a manner that is believed is more respectful to the demons and as such demons are never evoked, or called forth against their will, but rather invoked, or invited to be present during a magical ritual.


While many today see demons as evil spirits and fallen angels, it was not always the case. The ancients saw them for what they were – divine entities that were replete with knowledge. There are people today who also see them as such, those people who worship them are called Demonolators and practice Demonolatry. Those who just study them, either as the modern ‘evil spirits’ or even the ancient ‘lesser deity’ are Demonologist and practice Demonology. Congratulations, you now know the difference!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Theistic Satanism 101

Theistic Satanism is not an easy thing to define since it means different things to different people and different groups, but lets give it a try:

Theistic Satanism, also called Traditional or Spiritual Satanism, is the belief that Satan is a god, deity, or higher power, and is worthy of worship and respect. It differs from atheistic Satanism, also known as symbolic or modern Satanism, such as that followed by Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, which believes that Satan is a symbol of a mans true nature to satisfy his desires and urges, and not an actual entity.

There are many different viewpoints and many different groups that can claim the title of Theistic Satanism but none of them have exclusive use of that title. Regardless of this, many use their own definition and their own meaning and so can cause confusion amongst people who only know of that one kind of theistic satanism. Since it is possible to have views and beliefs so divergent and still remain within the definition, given about, of theistic satanism, this confusion is understandable. Hopefully this article can bring some enlightenment.

Reverse Christianity

One of the first to come to mind and most ‘infamous’ type of theistic satanism is "Reverse Christianity", sometimes known as devil worship. It is the belief in the Christian concept of Satan that is described in their bible. While the title is used pejoratively by some Satanists, those who label themselves as such usually assume it with pride. It is the belief that Satan is warring against the Abrahamic god and His victory is desirable. They see Satan as a champion for the freedom of humanity, but not necessarily a god but rather a fallen angel who is rebelling against the Creator. This form of theistic satanism is probably the form that most people who do not know much about Satanism think about when they think about Satanism, as well as what some Satanists think about when they think about theistic satanism.

Pantheistic/Panentheistic Satanism

Pantheistic Satanists believe that Satan is the sum of the universe, the force permeating nature and is deserving of their reverence and worship. Satan is seen as the ‘dark force of nature’ and the personification of the cosmic principle. They also believe that since Satan is ‘The All’ and since we are part of the all, then we too are part divine. Closely related to Pantheistic Satanists are Panentheistic Satanists (notice the ‘en’ between ‘pan’ and ‘theistic’) who believe that the whole of the universe makes up part of Satan but Satan is not the whole of the universe but rather more than the universe.

Polytheistic Satanism

Polytheistic Satanists worship Satan as a god but not as their only god. He is one of many in a pantheon that can be as unique as the individual believing in it. Some polytheistic satanists may not even worship Satan as the primary god in their pantheon. The polytheists overlap greatly with pantheists/panentheists as seeing the universe as part/whole of the gods. Polytheistic Satanism can also be subdivided as soft polytheists or hard polytheists. Soft Polytheists see the gods as facets of the whole, each god a part, or personality, of the whole. Hard Polytheists see the gods as separate entities from each other, distinct beings in their own right.

Theistic Satanists as a whole tend to agree that Satan wants a more equal relationship with His followers. One of a mentor/student than like that of the Abrahamic gods relationship with its followers; which is seen as one of control and repression. As such, self-development is important to theistic satanists who see it as Satan’s will for us to exercise individuality and freedom of thought.

Theistic Satanism, united in a belief of Satan, do not all adhere to the same system of morality. It is believed that Satan does not dictate rules and behaviors for His followers other than that of person responsibility, everything else is for the individual to decide for themselves. Without personal responsibility, no one can lay claim to their victories or failures and can’t be rewarded or punished accordingly and so will not grow as Satan wills it.

Like any believe system, theistic satanism is complex and is diverse as its followers so this is by no means a complete definition of theistic satanism, but hopefully it can serve as a basis for understanding for those who need it. As an often-misunderstood path, it behooves all who call themselves Satanists to be educated on the subject and to educate others who are not enlightened on what exactly theistic satanism entails.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Complete Book of Demonolatry

The Complete Book of Demonolatry marks my first order from, and I have to that I am satisfied with their service. I've mentioned elsewhere that lulu is a print of demand (POD)publisher so I was expecting a delay in getting the book since it had to be printed first. I ordered it on a Thursday night and it arrived a week later on Friday morning which made me quite happy. Anyway, onto the review:

Positive: The title of this book did not lie, this really is the complete book of demonolatry. It doesn't take it for granted that the reader knows anything about demonolatry so it starts from the beginning with a definition of demons and demonolatry, walks you through the history and then plunges right into the good stuff (not saying that the definitions and history isn't any good!) - the meat and potatoes of demon worship. The practicality of the book was quite amazing; an example - the book has a ritual where it has the practitioner sprinkle sand at the cardinal points and mentions that if you have carpet in your ritual chamber that it would be best just to sprinkle the sand into a bowl set at those points. I love it when the author of magical tomes live in the real world!

Neutral: The book delves a bit into Hermetics. While the author mentions that Hermetics is important in demonolatry, it still left me a little perplexed. I didn't quite get it but it wasn't too put out since the book directed me towards some good resources to learn more.

Negative: I don't have the book in front of me as I write this review so I can't give specifics, but I'm pretty sure I spotted one typo somewhere near the end of the book. If you are like me and are not bothered by one typo then just forget about this section.

Overall, this title was a great read packed with more information that I thought possible.

I rate it 9.5/10

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Religious Freedom

I thought I'd mention religious freedom today since it crossed my mind when I was talking to Magistra_Y over here. Too often I see or hear of people of a Left-Hand Path leaning attach and ridicule others of the same leaning. This is upsetting when you think of all the other religious paths that attack us. There are too many people who see us as evil and wrong as it is and would happily see us not be 'allowed' to practice our faith.

The good people over at OFS-Demonolatry have a great page all about religious freedom that you should really check out:

This is a short post today since I got 'The Complete Book of Demonolatry' in the mail yesterday and I want to get back to reading it. A review will come in the next few days!

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Demon talking through the tarot?

Ever since I started getting interested in Demonolatry, every time I do a tarot reading for myself the cards tell me that there is a 'spiritual advisor' or 'advisor' who can help me grow spiritually and creatively. Admittedly, I've only done two personal readings in the last 2 weeks but it has been enough to get me wondering who or what the cards are talking about.

Last night while I was meditating, I was visualizing that I was floating aimlessly in the black void. It wasn't long before I 'saw' a black figure. This figure didn't seem to be of my own creation but I was more concerned at the time that I could even see a black figure on a black background. This figure was gesturing for me to follow it, so I did. It 'flew' off so I followed it but eventually it just faded and disappeared. I was a little weirded out by it. Hopefully I can get more answers soon.

I feel like there is an entity that is trying to contact me, I don't know if this is an external or internal entity, but I'm not making much out of it at the moment. I'm trying to be receptive and open-minded but I'm not jumping to conclusions. I'm not going to be so egotistical to say that there is a Demon who has taken an interest in me and is trying to make contact but I'm going to be a little egotistical and not rule it out!

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Like minded bloggers

I've been looking for a few like minded bloggers lately but I think I must not be looking in the right places. I'm not able to find anyone, or rather anyone that is active. When I say 'like minded bloggers', I'm not being picky, I'm not just looking for theistic satanists or demonolaters. I'd like to get in touch with anyone who blogs about the darker side of magic/the occult.

If you are a such a person, please leave a comment letting me know you are here. If you are not such a person but know where I could find someone, the please leave a comment letting me know where to point my browser. I'd really like to get more blogs on my blog roll and maybe ever get this blog on a few blog rolls.

As you can see on the right of this post (you might have to scroll a bit!) that I only have three blogs, at the moment, on my blog roll.

Jeremism is just one of my other blogs that I use to go on about stuff not relevant to this one. It isn't all that active, and is more me just ranting.

OFS Demonolatry is the only blog I could find concerning Demonolatry out there. I must not be looking very hard because I'm sure it isn't the only one.

Theistic Satanism, a blog by Diane Vera, is just one out there about theistic satanism but the others have more leanings towards religious freedoms than satanism. That doesn't mean that I'm not interested in them, I just prefer 'Theistic Satanism'.

I'd love to have more on my blog roll, so like I said above, please comment and tell me where I can find more blogs.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My book wishlist

I thought I'd compile a list of the books that I want to buy, mainly on the subjects of Demonolatry and Satanism. I'd like to buy at least one book every payday so I can expand my library and learn more than I can online. If you have any comments on my list, please don't hesitate to post them. If you really think I should move a book up my list or drop it completely, then I want to hear from you.

I've recently been acquainted with and have found a lot of books that I can't find on, however, the books that I can find on amazon tend to be cheaper and will ship immediately. I guess I should mention that is a POD, or print of demand. If you don't know what that means, POD's don't keep stock of the books they have but rather print off a copy when it is needed. That is my understanding at least.

Anyway, here is the list:

The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly

I've already purchased this off of lulu and it is being shipped at the moment. I'm excited to receive it since it is supposed to have all the information someone new, like me, needs to know about Demonolatry. I've actually searched for other books on Demonolatry and I can't find anything that is more complete that this title. I guess in this case the title says it all! The stats say it has over 402 pages and weighs in at 1.2 lbs. so it is hefty enough for me to believe that it is chock full of goodies. Its average rating is 5/5 on Amazon and 6/7 on lulu.

Hexagradior - The Bible of Magic by Nemo

This book says that it explains the essence of magic, how some magic works and other magic doesn't. That sounds like a lofty claim but after looking through some of the reviews on amazon (it's rated 4.5/5) my curiosity has been aroused.

Demonolatry Rites by S. Connolly

Another title from S. Connolly, this time giving more Demonolatry rites. I'm interested in reading this so I can have a broader collection of rites so when I'm ready I can work up my own. This book only has 106 pages but it says it has 20 rites and is nicely priced.

Goetic Demonolatry by Ellen Purswell

I own a copy of the Goetia and I've always been intrigued; this seems to be the next step in learning how to work with the Goetic demons. This is a small book but it has a nice and small price tag too.

Sanctus Quattuordecim by M. Delaney

The description says it is as much as book on sigil magic and it is on demon magic. The chaote in my is very excited about that. This book seems to delve a little into generational demonolatry since it says that the sigils in the book were received 150 years ago by the authors family. Another small book for a small price.

Luciferian Witchcraft by Michael Ford

The product description says that it is a 'complete grimoire of Left Hand Path initiation'. That grabbed my attention right there. It has gotten 4.5/5 from 15 reviews. I've heard a few things about the author and so I wanted to check out at least one of his titles. I went with the best reviewed and biggest: this book has 504 pages and comes it at 2.5 lbs. I hope size counts in this case.

Grimorium Verum by Joseph H. Peterson

'Grimorium Verum is one of the most notorious handbooks of black magic', with an introduction like that how can I not want to buy it. I've not actually read a lot on this title as I have on others so I'm not that excited about it at the moment. Maybe once it moves up my list I might decide more on whether to buy it or to drop it. Any feedback would be appreciated!

That is my list so far. I'm sure I have missed a lot of titles that I should look into, but once some books start coming in I'm sure I'll be checking out their bibliographies for more books to read.

Like I said at the beginning of this post, if you have any comments on this list, positive or negative, please let me know. I'd like to save some money by not buying something not worth it.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh my Satan!

Since when did the Abrahamic god change its name from Yahweh/Jehovah to 'god'? And why does it get to claim exclusive use of the word 'god' as its name? Wondering what I'm talking about? Here are some phrases you might have used yourself or heard others use:

- Thank god
- God willing
- Well holy god
- God damn it

In the society I'm living in, each and everyone of those phrases is taken to mean that the god in question is the Abrahamic god and not another deity. To make sure the English language hasn't evolved its meaning of the word god, I turned to the American Heritage Dictionary (or at least the version) and this is what I found:

- A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped
by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or

Nope, the meaning hasn't changed, so why does society at large pretend it has? Ethnocentrism? I don't know, but I think maybe.

The crown jewel of this argument that the Abrahamic god (or maybe just its followers) changed its name: Oh my god.

To many Abrahamic people this amounts to nothing less than blasphemy in their religion. They use a book from their bible to prove this point of theirs:

Deuteronomy 5:11 You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your
God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.

Since the Abrahamic god's name is Yahweh/Jehovah, I don't see why 'oh my god' makes wrongful use of their gods name; unless it, or they, changed its name.

My point to all this: I'm taking back the word 'god', I'm not going to allow the followers of Yahweh/Jehovah to have exclusive use of it, I'm starting a revolution! Ok, scratch the last one.

Being a Theistic Satanist, I worship Satan as my god. He is not my only god but that doesn't matter in this case. When I say "oh my god" I'm referring to Satan. When I say "God watch over me", I'm beseeching Satan to protect me. My god is Satan - not the Abrahamic god, not a Hindu god, or any other god. I get to use the language as it is intended to be used, thank god for that!

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Reputation of Satanism

While browsing through Diane Vera's site, Theistic Satanism, I came across an article called 'Should Satanist care about the reputation of Satanism?'. She highlights some points made by people who disagree, who think that satanist should not care about the reputation of Satanism, or who think satanism is better served by having a bad reputation. She then, quite articulately, refutes those points. (You should really do read the actually article, I'm not even close to doing it justice).

I completely agree with Diane on this issue, an issue that has been on my mind of later since I read this article about satanic vandals striking a church. This defacement of property, which amounts to little more than teen angst, has thrown satanism into the public arena with its only ambassadors being two idiots.

I'm not too up to speed on the rights of Canadian citizens but I'd bet that they do have the right to religious freedom. Regardless of where such hate crimes occur, it makes it difficult for us Satanists who are trying to champion freedom of religion; especially when those who also call themselves satanists are the ones infringing on others freedom of religion.

For those satanist who want to start a religious war, know this: we will loose. War is not won by the amount of hate you have for your enemy but rather by the amount of bullets you have to shoot at you enemy. Very often the same people who leap-frogged the 1st Amendment landed firmly on the 2nd Amendment.

For those satanist who want to keep satanism underground: you can stay underground but I'm not. I'm proud to be a Satanist and I want to talk and practice openly. I'm realistic enough to know that I would suffer negatively if I were to do so and that saddens me and makes me want to change it.

For those satanist who want complete freedom to practice their religion: you are not alone. There is more than just satanists who want to enjoy the same freedoms that the major religions enjoy. It isn't going to be easy but it isn't going to be impossible either. We need to educate society not alienate it.

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

What exactly is a Satanist/Demonolater supposed to like like anyway?

Over at Demonolatry Space, there is a group for people who don't look like what people would imagine a Demonolater or Satanist too look like. It has gotten me thinking, since I fit nice and snugly into that category, what exactly is a satanist or demonolater supposed to be like?

I typically wear 'casual wear', as in jeans and t-shirts. During the summer time I can be found in shorts and sandals. I mostly wear light colored shirts. I once owned a black t-shirt that had a baphomet on it, but that got all ink stained when I was working at a printing press many years ago. Now my most exciting black shirt has 'Guinness' written across the chest.

I'm in my mid-twenties, married with kids. I have a mortgage, two cars, two dogs and a trampoline in my backyard. I work diligently at watering my lawn to keep it nice and green. I spent my weekend cleaning out my garage and I work in Law Enforcement.

I do have one tattoo that is covered when I wear any clothing. My left ear is pierced twice; I have to take the rings out when I'm at work; and my nipples are pierced. My hair is classed as 'conservative' by my department and I have a neatly trimmed goatee (some of what you can see from my little picture on the right).

My kids have their friends over to play and have sleepovers. I eat dinner with my in-laws twice a month. I have a gym membership. I spend many hours a week outside jumping on my trampoline. I sew. I'm not artistic in any way or form. I love listening to ABBA and I play disk golf from time to time.

Am I any less a Satanist/Demonolater? No, I'm not. I pray to Satan many times a day, and wear a baphomet under my shirt. I preform some ritual ceremonies a few times a year (not as much as I would like). I believe in magic and practice it. I meditate, practice vampirism and I'm learning the tarot. I do this all while living and looking like an average American guy... fancy that.

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Mysterious Stranger

I saw this clip and wanted to share. It is snippet from 'The Adventures of Mark Twain', a 1985 claymation film. It is supposed to be an animated adaptation of Mark Twain's unfinished work 'The Mysterious Stranger'

It have very little to do with my belief in Satan, but it fun to watch none the less.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Book Review: The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic

I recently acquired The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp. Apparently it has been taken out of print by the request of the author, so I'm counting myself lucky that I managed to get my hands on a copy. It is a very interesting book and well worth the $17 dollars I paid for it.

Positive: This book is chock full of information and I'm betting that I'll keep coming back to as a source of reference. It has over 28 rituals that cover a wide range, from money to lust, and from legal workings to hexing. The rituals begin by laying out what materials you will need and then give you the method to complete it. The book touches on a vast area of magical subjects including divination, sex magic, cursing, blood magic, sigils. The reference section contains the Enns for calling forth demons along with the corresponding sigils. By far my most favorite section was the one on how to make oleums and incenses, it included a long list of materials needed to make a lot of different oleums and incenses. It has inspired me to learn more.

Neutral: The book, while giving me a lot of information, left me realizing I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge of Demonolatry. This is by far NOT the authors/books fault but more my own for not buying The Complete Book of Demonolaty first. I'm operating on the assumption that most of the reference material in The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic will be more use to me once I've learned more.

Negative: The author is far from the best writer on occult material. I'm not too fond on her casual tone and I loathes the grammatical mistakes that I noticed. Now I'm far from the best at grammar and my writing leaves a lot to be desired. I guess I expect more from someone who is published.

Despite any negativity I had with this book, I still found it accessible and worthy enough to read it completely in less than 2 days.

I rate it: 7/10

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Categorizing my beliefs

I've been doing some research so I can classify my belief system. I'm a theistic satanist, which you can see from my 'About Me', but since that category is quite broad I thought I would try to get specific. I also mentioned that I am reading and learning a lot more about demonolatry but I don't feel comfortable categorizing myself as a demonolater just yet. I've never worked with demons and I've never felt their presence enough to 'know' that they exist. I have worked with Satan and do 'know' that he exists.

I don't believe that Satan is the only higher consciousness, or deity, in existence. I can't be so egotistical to say that my god is the only god. Other people believe in other gods; if those gods didn't exist before people started to believe in them then they certainly do exist now from all that belief. Since monotheism is belief in only one deity and I believe in, or rather acknowledge, more than one deity then that makes me a Polytheist.

Researching it further it seems that there are more than one kind of polytheism. They're soft polytheism who believe that the gods are aspects of a higher god, then they're hard polytheism that believe the gods are separate beings. I prescribe to the second one which makes me a Hard Polytheist.

Digging deeper, I come to pantheism which is the belief that the physical universe is the equivalent to all the gods in existence; and panentheism which believe the physical universe is joined to the gods but the gods are greater than the universe. I believe in higher realms of existence, such as the astral plane and the mental plane. Since these aren't physical and since I gods exist on these planes then I guess that would make me a Panentheist.

So, in a nutshell, I am a panentheistic hard polytheistic satanist. Once I have made 'contact' with demons then I'll be a panentheistic hard polytheistic demonolater. Ain't that great!

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm back

It has been a good few months since I've been on here, in fact I've all but forgotten about this little blog of mine. I'm kind of embarrassed by that. It feels like a validation of my tendency to quit.

Regardless, I'm back!

I've been studying Demonolatry a lot lately and it is speaking to me. I mean really speaking to me. I've found a site called OFS Demonolatry and it has been educational. After doing a few google searches, I can't find anything that matches it in terms of material.

Diane Vera's site about Theistic Satanism has also been a huge resource to me in the last few weeks. There has a lot of satanic philosophy which I've found enlightening and thought provoking.

Since my interest is back, I've bought a tarot deck last week. Namely the Thoth deck. This is my first time working with the tarot and I'm loving it. I can't believe I've not picked up a deck years ago. It is maddening that I've always know about it just choose to ignore it. I've been getting some good insights and I'm picking it easily. I also bought Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth to go with it but it is a bit to esoteric for me. I'm still glad I bought it though since it goes delve deep in the the symbology of the cards. I ended up buying 'The Tarot Handbook' to get the meanings I've been looking for and I'm happy with it. Other books were suggested to me but the local bookstore didn't carry them and I was impatient.